I did something on Sunday I hadn't done in years... I went to church. My visits to church have been limited to weddings a funerals. As a child we always attended church every Sunday. But as I got older I didn't make an effort to go. And when things got tough, I found it easier to turn my back on my faith. But as the week passed and I am still unable to get a hold of my friend Darlene to find out the status of her missing daughter Bree, I felt like the only thing left for me to do was go to church. I've felt so helpless over this that going to church seemed like the right thing to do. Instead of turning my back on my faith, I decided to turn to it. I must admit, I'd thought of going back to church and accepting my religion again before this, but it felt a bit hypocritical. But under the circumstances I felt I should worry less about being judged and more about just doing what felt right.
It's been hard this week getting my head around what has happened. I never imagined that I would ever see a missing person poster and see the face of someone I know. It's so easy to look at a missing person poster and not take a second glance, but next time I will remember this feeling of helplessness, fear, anger and sadness.
Bree has a mother, a father, a brother, sisters, and daughters that all want her home. Pray that she makes a safe return.
lisa i have been the same way in the past years and i know exactly what u feel like because it is exactly how i feel it saddens me i never thought that this would happen to someone i know, until last year when i heard of my niece who had run away and was missing for about a week glad to say she is now home safe with the family, but in this case that is not so, until than we will do what we can to bring bree home safe to her family