Saturday, January 28, 2012

Where to go from here...

Our worse fear has come true and I am so sad for my dear friend. Her daughter is gone, and there is nothing I can do for her to change that. They say everything happens for a reason, but I can't think of one damn reason that is good enough. They say we learn from our experiences, but I don't know what the effing lesson is here. They say hard times make us stronger, but who the hell decides we need to be stronger. This is truly a test of one's faith.

When I started the FB page for Bree it was for support for the family, as the only way I know, by sharing words and thoughts of positivity. Our little group of 40 members is now 900+ and growing. Do they all know Bree or her family? No. Which impresses me the most. That the story of this young, beautiful girl has touched so many. I've seen this group grow so much over the past 2 week. People who knew Bree or know the family, and people who don't. People from around the corner from where Bree lived and from miles away. And they've joined the page truly to express their sympathy for the family. Such a humane gesture during a time when there seems to be no humanity left in this world. I can not even BEGIN TO IMAGINE what Bree's parents are going thru. I wish I could do something to make this all go away for them.

love to the two of you, the kids and the babies

A fund has been established and people are coming together as well now, to contribute to the Bree’Anna Guzman Memorial Fund to help the family and Bree's two little girls in this next phase.
There is still lots to do. There is still a monster out there that needs to be taken off the streets.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Still missing...

I did something on Sunday I hadn't done in years... I went to church. My visits to church have been limited to weddings a funerals. As a child we always attended church every Sunday. But as I got older I didn't make an effort to go. And when things got tough, I found it easier to turn my back on my faith. But as the week passed and I am still unable to get a hold of my friend Darlene to find out the status of her missing daughter Bree, I felt like the only thing left for me to do was go to church. I've felt so helpless over this that going to church seemed like the right thing to do. Instead of turning my back on my faith, I decided to turn to it. I must admit, I'd thought of going back to church and accepting my religion again before this, but it felt a bit hypocritical. But under the circumstances I felt I should worry less about being judged and more about just doing what felt right.
It's been hard this week getting my head around what has happened. I never imagined that I would ever see a missing person poster and see the face of someone I know. It's so easy to look at a missing person poster and not take a second glance, but next time I will remember this feeling of helplessness, fear, anger and sadness.
Bree has a mother, a father, a brother, sisters, and daughters that all want her home. Pray that she makes a safe return.