There are many expectations you have...be ready for disappointments. First off, some realtors won't even show you a home until you can provide a pre-approved letter from a lender. Once you have that you can go out and find your dream home, right? WRONG, unless you're lucky you'll spend months and months looking. Sometimes you'll make many offers only to be let down...rejected is more like it. But when you find that house, and your offer has been accepted, it's like being pregnant; you're afraid to say anything too soon, but you can't wait to tell everyone. Once your offer is accepted be ready to plunk down some money. Earnest money, as sign of good faith. Depending on circumstances it can be a pretty hefty sum. But that's just the beginning. You'll have to pay for inspection and appraisal, not to mention other fees from the finance company. Now you're on your way, right? WRONG.... now you have to get your loan approved. Wait, but you have a pre-approved letter. The pre-approval process only checks your credit and takes down your financial information. Now you have to prove it. You would think that all of these people who close home deals all the time are doing all they should be doing. I mean, they know what to do. You just sit back and let the behind the scene work come together, right? WRONG...stay on top of it! Everything. Don't wait for people to call you when they or you need something. Don't wait till the last minute for anything. And be prepared to give the same information over and over and over to several people. Then you finally get the docs, which is pretty scary. This is your life for the next 30 years laid out in numbers...down payment, finance charges, monthly payment. Oh but it's worth it... home, sweet home.